

Notes from setting up Nomad Kubernetes whoops tinyping's stack tinyping and scrub moves elm-duet 0.1.0 Stopping thing-a-month elm-duet tinyping month 2 seeing the forest through the trees app architecture what's between two pings? messing around with statistics wrapping up month 0 running this blog on Kubernetes Ukelele seems nice getting back off the CI train getting on the CI train moving Kubernetes to New Jersey first light on HTTP a Kubernetes shopping list shopping for a scheduler kicking off thing-a-month meta: micro posts are in the feed now


launch ftw, part 13 Do I want to learn Dafny? launch ftw, part 12 launch ftw, part 11 launch ftw, part 10 launch ftw, part 9 launch ftw, part 8 launch ftw, part 7 launch ftw, part 6 launch ftw, part 5 launch ftw, part 4 launch ftw, part 3 launch ftw, part 2 launch ftw, part 1