Tradeoffs of Custom ID Types in Elm

Brian Hicks, October 26, 2020

In Elm, we store data in records. Here's a model to define a Cat. Mew!

module Cat exposing (Cat)

type alias Cat =
    { id : String
    , name : String
    , purriness : Int

This particular implementation has a problem: you can do whatever with id since it's a String. Wanna concatenate it with another one? Go right ahead. Regex match? Why not! Using a String here means that the compiler can't tell you if you're using the id in the way it was intended to be used.

One name for this is primitive obsession, meaning code uses a language primitive (String here) instead of a domain-specific object. This can make it harder to reason about and refactor the code, not to mention the fact that it doesn't guard against the problems above.

A Custom Type

We can fix this in Elm by making a custom ID type:

module Cat exposing (Cat, CatId)

type CatId
    = CatId String

type alias Cat =
    { id : CatId
    , name : String
    , purriness : Int

With this, you get pretty much all the benefits of wrapping a primitive in a class in other languages:

The benefits have been well-documented elsewhere and are (in my opinion) pretty unambiguous, so I'm keeping this brief. I want to spend more time talking about the drawbacks of doing it in this particular way and how to get around them!

Testing is Harder

First of all, we can no longer construct values of CatId in tests. This means we cannot construct any records or structures that depend on CatId either. No Cat, no Model containing Cats, etc.

I've seen some test code provide hand-rolled JSON values to a Decoder Cat to get around this, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea. It raises complexity in tests and ties them to the decoder instead of only the implemenation we're trying to verify.

Instead, I usually end up writing some constructor function like catIdForTestOnly : String -> CatId. It has the same effect as exposing the constructor, but labels your intent clearly.

I'd call this pragmatic, but I know there are reasonable people who'd call it a code smell. That's fine! We can disagree! But, regardless of your approach, you'll have to deal with the tradeoff of the hidden constructor here.

No comparable Implementation

Second, you can't use CatId where the compiler expects something matching comparable. This shows up pretty frequently because elm/core's Dict needs keys to be comparable in order to provide fast lookups.

Fortunately for us, the Elm community know about this (hopefully temporary) problem and has published a bunch of different packages to help get around it. I like rtfeldman/elm-sorter-experiment, in which we just need to define a custom sorter function and pass it to dictionary and set constructors. For CatId, that looks like this:

idSorter : Sorter CatId
idSorter = (\(CatId id) -> id) Sort.alphabetical

Now we can construct dictionaries and sets containing CatId for fast lookups and still get the benefits we want.

Wrapping Up

So, that's one way to make sure you're doing the right things with IDs (or other small data) in your Elm code.

Should you do it? I think that despite the tradeoffs, it's a yes most of the time! I've had a lot of success with doing this, and I'd recommend it to others.

That said, there are some more ways to solve this problem, and I'm planning on exploring them in future posts.

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