Reducing Asset Size With Subsetting

Brian Hicks, March 3, 2020

Note: as of December 2020, this site no longer uses custom fonts. This script is still useful, but you're not loading the output in your browser right now.

When I was building this site, I noticed that my web fonts were kind of big:

52K	fonts/OpenSans.woff2
48K	fonts/Exo2-BoldItalic.woff2
24K	fonts/Jetbrains-Mono.woff2
48K	fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2
48K	fonts/Exo2-Regular.woff2
48K	fonts/Exo2-Bold.woff2
48K	fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff2
52K	fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2
368K	total

If you happened to load all the fonts with a cold cache, you'd be downloading a bit over a third of a megabyte. These were by far the heaviest part of the site, especially compared to the HTML files. Those are something like 12kb each, a quarter of the size of even one font. I don't like that difference, so let's see if we can make them smaller!

But what's in those files anyway? Why are they so big? Consider Exo 2, my heading font: in addition to the normal ASCII characters, it has a ton of Greek, Cyrillic, and Vietnamese characters. This is great! Tons of people speaking all kinds of languages can use this font to communicate… but since this site doesn't use those characters, serving them doesn't do anyone any good.

Fortunately, this is a known problem, and we can solve it with something called subsetting. Subsetting, in general, is where you retrieve only the parts you need from a large data set. In fonts, this means removing all the glyphs you don't need from a font before you serve it. Sounds like a plan! But how?

Breaking it Down

Well, since this is a static site, all the content is known in advance. Hypothetically, that means that I can examine all the markdown files and figure out what characters I need to render it. But when I thought about this more, I realized it wouldn't work: what about the navigation and footer? I also render headers and code samples in different fonts than I do the body copy.

Well, again, static site! I can surely just inspect the output, right? But another challenge there: the exact font—including things like bold and italic—is set with CSS. Since normal, bold, and italic live in separate files, I need to calculate the style rules the way a browser would to be able to make the smallest possible subsets.

But that means… oh… I should probably just drive a headless browser, huh?


Accepting the Inevitable

I really didn't want to set up a headless browser for this. I had some bad experiences in the past trying to automate things with Selenium, not to mention all the pain I feel writing Capybara tests at work… I felt like it would be slow, error-prone, and be hard to set up in Netlify.

Well, good news if you're in the same boat: the Puppeteer project makes this way easier than it used to be! I evaluated several options (including Servo and jsdom) before settling on it, and I was happily surprised!

Get the Data, Already!

The basic strategy here looks like:

  1. start a headless Chrome instance with puppeteer
  2. load an HTML page
  3. find all the visible text nodes
  4. remember their content and computed style

That's it; let's go! First we start the browser and load a page:

(async () => {
  const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  for (file of process.argv.slice(2)) {
    await page.goto("file://" + file);

    // the rest of our script (next code block)

Aside: I don't know if these should be const or let... I've heard both but the puppeteer docs use const so I'm going to, too

Then let's walk the DOM to find all the text nodes:

const fileOut = await page.evaluate(function () {
  // we have to define everything we need inline here, since `page.evaluate`
  // runs everything in the browser context.
  function uniqChars(text) {
    let out = [];
    for (let char of text) {
      if (!out.includes(char)) {
    return out.join("");

  // we're going to accumulate information about each text node in this object.
  // see the next code snippet for how we actually use it.
  let out = {};

  // todo is a stack of nodes we have left to visit. We start with the top node
  // of the document and work our way down from there.
  let todo = [window.document];

  while (todo.length !== 0) {
    let node = todo.shift();

    // `childNodes` is not an array, but you can still access its children by
    // index. We are descending into the node so we just push all the children
    // onto the stack. It doesn't matter much for this application whether we
    // use a depth-first or a breadth-first search—we want to get all the
    // nodees either way.
    for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {

    if (node.nodeName === "#text") {
      // the rest of our script (next code block)

  return out;

Finally we can accumulate our calculated styles. I do this in an object with the style information as the key (out above) so we can add characters to it easily:

let styles = window.getComputedStyle(node.parentElement);

// we don't want to include text in invisible nodes (things like the guts of
// <script> or <style> tags.) Just skip 'em!
if (styles.display === "none") {

for (let face of styles.fontFamily.split(", ")) {
  // fonts with spaces in the name get quoted, so we need to remove those.
  face = face.replace(/"/g, "", -1);

  let info = {
    face: face,
    weight: styles.fontWeight,
    style: styles.fontStyle
  let key = JSON.stringify(info);

  if (out[key]) {
    out[key].chars = uniqChars(out[key].chars + node.textContent);
  } else {
    out[key] = {
      font: info,
      chars: uniqChars(node.textContent)

Finally, after analyzing each file, we combine the objects into a list. (I haven't shown this but you can see it in the source as of this writing)

When the script returns, we end up with a JSON blob like this. This is just the homepage and I've removed all the fallback fonts. If I had passed more files into the script (for example, the output of find) I would see much more information in this array:

    "font": {
      "face": "Exo 2",
      "weight": "700",
      "style": "normal"
    "chars": " .HTbehnorstyz👋"
    "font": {
      "face": "Exo 2",
      "weight": "400",
      "style": "normal"
    "chars": "acdeklopst"
    "font": {
      "face": "Open Sans",
      "weight": "400",
      "style": "normal"
    "chars": " !',-.04:ABCDEHIJLMNORSTYabcdefghiklmnoprstuvwyz❤️"

There are some interesting things happening here. First, I mentioned that I only was using ASCII… well, that's a bit of a lie; I'm also using a few emoji. The script found and included these. Second, I'm not even using all the ASCII characters; q and x are absent from Open Sans (my body font.)

True, this is just for one page, but it holds across the rest of the content: each font ends up only needing to include well under 100 glyphs to be able to render everything on the whole site.

Subsetting, for Real

After all that analysis, how do we actually subset the fonts?

I'm using a tool called pyftsubset, available in the fonttools Python package. Put simply, to subset a font, you need to call pyftsubset {input font} --unicodes={code points}. There are a few more flags in the actual script I use, but that's basically it.

The script itself is not terribly exciting, so I'm not going to show much of it here. It basically slurps down the output of the face-finding script, calls pyftsubset on the result, and prints some statistics about the filesize difference:

Finding subsets of 8 fonts on 10 pages
Subset ./dist/fonts/Exo2-Bold.woff2 from 46656 to 5608 bytes (12.02% of original size, 61 glyphs)
Subset ./dist/fonts/OpenSans.woff2 from 50116 to 8240 bytes (16.44% of original size, 81 glyphs)
Subset ./dist/fonts/Exo2-Regular.woff2 from 46300 to 3440 bytes (7.43% of original size, 35 glyphs)
Subset ./dist/fonts/Jetbrains-Mono.woff2 from 22368 to 10564 bytes (47.23% of original size, 87 glyphs)
Subset ./dist/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2 from 48148 to 3668 bytes (7.62% of original size, 18 glyphs)
Subset ./dist/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2 from 51932 to 4548 bytes (8.76% of original size, 27 glyphs)

And looking at the final font sizes, I feel much better aabout shipping these to people's browsers. With this result, I can load all the glyphs in all the fonts I need in less size than just one of the original font files:

12K	dist/fonts/OpenSans.woff2
12K	dist/fonts/Jetbrains-Mono.woff2
4.0K	dist/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2
4.0K	dist/fonts/Exo2-Regular.woff2
8.0K	dist/fonts/Exo2-Bold.woff2
8.0K	dist/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2
48K	total

Aside: I also have some uncompressed-but-unused files in the output of my site, but they aren't ever referenced, so a browser shouldn't ever load them. I'm not counting those towards the filesize total here.


In the end, I reduced the size of my font files by about 87%, going from 386K to 48K. The final subsets have about 300 total characters to render my site. While this will grow over time as I add more content, it should level out pretty quickly.

In short: it worked!

So, in writing about this, would I recommend you do it too? Solid maybe!

I think it makes sense to do this on a site where:

  1. You're using custom fonts. If you're using generic font names (like sans-serif or monospace) or your font stack is a mix of built-ins and system fonts (e.g. Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif), there's no need to save on bandwidth here; your readers already have the whole font!
  2. All your content is known in advance. If you have anything that's dynamically loaded, you'll get really weird results where some—but not all—of your characters will be replaced by the fallback font.
  3. Fonts are actually the largest asset class. If you're serving a 10mb JPEG as a background image, compressing that is a lot easier and will be a much better experience for your readers than figuring out a subsetting pipeline for your site. The framework I use, elm-pages, takes care of compressing images for me. If yours doesn't, searching around for image optimization tools will probably net you some easy wins.
  4. You don't care about cache misses (in the short term.) Your custom subset is all but guaranteed not to be in a visitor's cache. For a site like mine, a really high percent of visitors are likely to be new. That makes me feel more OK about serving fresh font files every time. But a big note here: on a site with more content, the subsets will tend to stabilize to the characters you actually use. In the long run, the fonts won't be quite this small but they will be much stabler.

If your site meets all those conditions, give it a try! I've linked to the source of my scripts in the page above, and you can check out the full latest source for this site at (is it just me or is it echoing in here?)

Have fun!

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